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Sunday, 13 May 2012, Bandos Island Resort

Welcome & Introductory Remarks by

Athifa Ali

Chairperson, Maldives Pension Administration Office

Keynote address by

Dr. Fazeel Najeeb

Governor, Maldives Monetary Authority

Presentation on ‘Maldives Pension System, Governance, Investment Policy and Challenges’

Mohamed Hussain Maniku

Chief Executive Officer, Maldives Pension Administration Office

Presentation on ‘Long-term Financing for Economic and Social Development - Role of Pension Fund’

Bandhu Ibrahim Saleem

Local Industry Expert

Presentation on ‘Operation of Capital Markets and Financial Instruments’

Dr. Susan Thomas

Assistant Professor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research


Presentation on ‘Social Security - The Singapore Experience’

Don Yeo

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Policy & Corporate Development, Singapore ,Central Provident Fund Board,

Presentation on ‘Expectation by 2013’

Jeremy Gadbury

Investment Expert, Maldives Pension Administration Office