11 may 2016   KURUMBA MALDIVES


ORGANIZED BY                    MAIN SPONSOR       EVENT PARTNERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MEDIA PARTNER



The Maldives Pension Administration Office, as the country’s largest potential institutional investor, sees the development of the Financial Sector and financial literacy as a key imperative to achieve its strategic intent and objectives.


The Maldives Finance Forum was launched in 2012, to enable a nationally acclaimed platform to deliberate on issues, promote views and share experiences for the development of Maldivian Financial Sector. And it has become a widely acclaimed event with overwhelmingly positive responses from the stakeholders.


The themes of 2012 and 2013 forums were aimed at the Public Sector with the expectation of positive policy responses from that sector. The ideas were well received by the policy makers. The theme of 2014 forum was developed with an expectation of Private Sector led positive developments to the Financial Market. In 2015, the focus was on pension and retirement income security.


The theme selected for this year is “Financial Sector Modernization and Reform”


  • Bring together leaders from business, financial, political, academic and social protection sector to deliberate on issues, promote views and share experiences for the development of Maldivian Financial Sector
  • Identify institutional, legal and regulatory impediments for the development of Maldivian Financial Sector
  • Promote cross-sectional collaboration to overcome impediments
  • Make the industry players aware of the potential of the Pension Fund and its impact on the Maldivian Financial Sector
  • Enable development of original ideas and creative solutions for the Maldivian Social Security System and Pension Fund
  • Promote research on the Maldives Financial Sector and create awareness and increase financial literacy among the public



"To enable a nationally acclaimed platform to deliberate on issues, promote views and share experiences for the development of Maldivian Finance Sector"






Welcome and Introductory Remarks:

Ms. Athifa Ali, Chairperson, Maldives Pension Administration Office (MPAO)


‘Financial Sector Modernization and Reform’

Presentation by Mr. Robert H. Singletary, International Development Consultant


‘Strengthening Financial Sector in Maldives’

Presentation by Mr. Ahmed Imad, Senior Manager, Financial Sector Development Unit,

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA)


Modernization of Life Insurance’

Presentation by Mr. Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, Life Manager, Allied Insurance Company


MPAO Video Presentation


‘Investment Policy and Strategy’

Presentation by Mr. Mohamed Hussain Maniku, Chief Executive Officer, MPAO


Panel Discussion on ‘Financial Sector Modernization and Reform’

Panel Members:

Mr. Iyaz Waheed - Moderator, President, Universal Foundation

Mr. Robert H. Singletary, International Development Consultant

Mr. Mohamed Nizar, Chairperson, Privatization & Corporatization Board

Mr. Abdul Wahid Thowfeeq, Co-owner, Ensis Group of Companies

Mr. Ahmed Imad, Senior Manager, Financial Sector Development Unit, MMA


Concluding Remarks by Mr. Muznee Mohamed, Board Director, MPAO




  • Finance Forum 2014
  • Finance Forum 2012
  • Finance Forum 2015
  • Finance Forum 2013

Contact us

  Maldives Pension Administration Office

  info@financeforum.mv

  + 960 3309908  /    1441

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